The Federal Way Boys & Girls Club is currently enrolling all youth for the 2016 coed spring season soccer league. The deadline for early registration is April 13, but late registration will be accepted on a space-available basis and carry an additional $5 charge.
Fall season soccer is a program for boys and girls in grades K-6. Grades K-6 will be coed and formed from local elementary and middle schools, area and grade. Divisions include silver (K through first grade), gold (second and third grades), and platinum (fourth through sixth grades).
The season runs April 18-June 18, and practices will tentatively start the week of April 18.
Games are played at Steel Lake Park and the Westway Soccer Field. Games are on Saturdays only with practice on weeknights.
Volunteer coaches pick the practice days/times.
A mandatory coaches’ meeting will be held the week of April 11.
Volunteer coaches are needed.
The program costs $25 for K through sixth grade (plus $50 annual Club membership fee good from Sept. 1, 2015, to Aug. 31, 2016). Scholarships are available for those who qualify.
Registration can be done online at or in-person at the EX3 Ron Sandwith Teen Center or call 253-681-6514.
For more information or to register, contact Dolan Holt, Federal Way Boys & Girls Club athletic director, at 253-681-6514 or at