The Mirror’s female athlete of the week for Feb. 23 is sophomore Marina Velasco-Bono of Federal Way High School, girls wrestling.
What is your favorite subject/class in school?
English Language Arts
What additional activities/hobbies do you enjoy?
Wrestling, Track, Soccer, Working out, Going on drives
Name your Mount Rushmore (Top 4) of Movies?
· Lilo and Stich, Tangled, Yours, Mine, Ours, To all the boys I have loved before
You’re on a long road trip, you stop at a gas station. You get one drink and one snack. What are you choosing?
Gerber Puffs, Sweet Tea
Describe your pre-game ritual and your favorite post-game meal.
Pre-listen to music, visualize moves in the match, eat a stick of honey, then coach back slap before entering the mat
Post-Chik-Fil-A, 12 count nugget meal
Song you currently can’t stop listening to?
“One call” by Rich Amiri
From the sidelines: Marina is a hardworking and gritty wrestler. She does not accept mediocrity from herself and regularly pushes herself to her limits mentally and physically. Marina is a natural leader who is highly respected by her teammates and regularly encourages them to be their best. Additionally, she is the epitome of a scholar athlete. Marina places her academics above her athletics and makes sure her grades reflect that of a champion. Her successes on and off the wrestling mat make her a key piece to the success of the Federal Way High School Women’s Wrestling Program.