Todd Beamer High School junior Aaliyah Chappel, basketball, is the Federal Way Mirror Female Athlete of the Week for Feb. 10.
Q: What is your favorite subject/class in school?
A: Science.
Q: What hobbies do you enjoy outside of your sport?
A: Tae Kwon Do, 3D modeling and coding.
Q: Who is the person in your life that has helped you succeed the most?
A: My grandmother, she continues to be there for me in all ways.
Q: If you could have dinner with anyone (living or from the past), who would it be? Why?
A: I would have dinner with Nikola Tesla because I would want to learn about how he managed to create free energy, issues he faced while working on projects and the best methods to conserve his projects for the future.
Q: Describe your pre-game ritual :
A: Usually I smudge myself using sweetgrass and I listen to music to get into the zone. Then right before the game, I say a prayer.
Q: Song you currently can’t stop listening to?
A: Genesis by Grimes.
From the sidelines: Aaliyah has been a major factor in Beamers six-game winning streak. She has been challenged to perform on both sides of the court while running the offense to get everyone else involved. Aaliyah is also very cool under pressure.