Beamer dance team is ready for another title

By CASEY OLSON, The Mirror

The Todd Beamer High School Dance Team has been one of the best programs in the state over the last five years.

And that distinction should continue again this year.

The Titan Dance Team has become a dynasty around the state at the annual State Dance and Drill Championships. Beamer has won three of the last four state titles in the hip-hop dance category inside the Yakima Sun Dome. The Titans won top honors in 2004, 2005 and 2007. They only missed winning the 2006 title because judges docked them 20 points for an illegal move.

Last spring, the 14-member dance team earned the highest score ever awarded in this category, earning 493 out of 500 points on their way to the state title.

Although seven members of last year’s team graduated, this year’s dancers are powerful, said Beamer head coach Joel Lindberg.

“I keep hearing around campus from teachers and students who have seen us perform that we’ve survived graduation. I feel lucky to have such a great group once again.”

The 15-member team holds practice sessions twice a week and will dance at invitational competitions before heading off to compete with the best at the state competition, held at the Yakima Sun Dome March 21.

In addition to preparing for competitions, the team is currently focusing on the Fourth Annual Kids’ Clinic, a one-day class where children in kindergarten through eighth grade can learn jazz and hip-hop skills with the Beamer Dance Team.

The annual clinic, held on Dec. 8 in the Beamer High School gymnasium, teaches the participants a dance routine, which they perform at a Beamer girls’ basketball game. Information and registration forms are available in the Todd Beamer High School main office.

Additionally, the Titan dancers are also preparing for Beamer Breakdown, a once-a-year, two-night performance of a variety of dances showcasing all the dancers on the team.

This year’s Beamer Breakdown will be held on Jan. 18 and 19. Tickets will be available at Todd Beamer High School after Dec. 10.

Sports editor Casey Olson: 925-5565,