While the tone had already been set a few weeks ago, those who wanted some sizzle added to the race for Federal Way mayor got it last week at the first public debate between candidates State Rep. Skip Priest and City Councilman Jim Ferrell.
Once upon a time while walking through downtown Federal Way, Chuck found what looked like Aladdin’s lamp at the former AMC Theatre site.
Growing up on Chicago’s Northwest side meant reading Mike Royko’s column in the Daily News. His classic biography, “Boss,” about…
By Tony Moore, President, Federal Way School Board On Tuesday, Sept. 28, the Federal Way School District Board of Education…
“Money makes the world go around, the world go around.” So sings Joel Grey in the movie “Cabaret,” set in 1930s Berlin. Eight decades later, it is still true, but in today’s governmental parlance, it’s the “budget” that makes the world go around.
For now, let’s forget about that proposal to build three skyscrapers in downtown Federal Way. What we have here, aside from a failure to communicate, is a real estate problem.
I want to talk about the latest initiative by the Federal Way School Board. It is called “policy governance” and is due to be approved at the Sept. 28 board meeting.
Last November, the voters selected Dow Constantine as the new non-partisan King County Executive and Mike McGinn as the new mayor of Seattle.
The above political cartoon by Frank Shiers ran in the Sept. 18, 2010, print edition of the Federal Way Mirror.
Musically, what a weekend it was in Federal Way!
Superintendent Robert R. Neu spoke to the Federal Way Noon Kiwanis Club this week regarding the post he stepped into on July 1.
Who are the most powerful people in Federal Way? The people who vote.
Boeing’s non-union workers are going to pay more for their health insurance. And it’s likely that union workers won’t be far behind.
Here, in a nutshell, is the social dilemma I discovered while innocently sorting old toys: Standing on a corner begging for entitled handouts is viewed contemptuously, but so is a young adult walking around neighborhoods selling magazines no one seems to want.
The preliminaries are over, and either State Rep. Skip Priest or City Councilman Jim Ferrell will be the first full-time separately elected mayor of Federal Way.
On Sept. 10, 2001, passengers in airport security lines wore their shoes, and fringe churches cared little about burning the Koran.
I have been wondering whether attorneys other than me that assist victims of domestic violence tell women to consider obtaining a Concealed Pistol License.
When it comes to school administrators being allowed to search student cell phones, I don’t see the problem.