One-stop shopping for catching up with the stars | People & Places

Sometimes, when people see me, they run in the opposite direction. I can hear their thoughts saying: "Oh no, it's that chatty Magruder woman!"

Sometimes, when people see me, they run in the opposite direction. I can hear their thoughts saying: “Oh no, it’s that chatty Magruder woman!”

I was shopping at Fred Meyer when I ran into my veterinarian. He has cared for my cats for 30 years. He spotted me and immediately averted his eyes, took a sharp right turn and sprinted down the cereal aisle. Possibly, doctors have to do this to avoid having to give free medical advice. I considered chasing him down to tell him that I found Ernest Hemingway sitting on my toothbrush. But I know there is little he can do about a rude cat.

This happens to me all the time. I’ve lived in Federal Way for 38 years. I don’t know everyone, but I do know a lot of people. If I stop to talk to everyone, I can be in a store for two hours or more.

There have been many times when I have caught a glimpse of a friend exiting like the Roadrunner when they see me. I don’t take it personally (one of the “The Four Agreements,” a great book.) I know that, many times, people are too busy to chat.

I once found former Federal Way Mayor Mary Gates surrounded by five people in the produce department at Fred Meyer. Carts blocked the aisles in four directions, tomatoes became inaccessible and customers had to walk a wide circle. I stood in line to talk to her. I’m such a Mary Gates groupie. She is one of the smartest women I have ever known.

I frequently see my friend Bob McKenzie, retired military gentleman and warrior. He has served as chairperson of the scholarship committee for the Rotary Club for many years. He has worked hard to provide financial support for deserving students. I think he’s so wonderful, he deserves his own parade. If someone would like to organize the event, I’ll provide the marching cats.

Over the years, I’ve had some amazing conversations in the Federal Way Fred Meyer. City Council persons Dini Duclos and Martin Moore are charming and willing to engage. I love my one-stop shopping time talking to Deputy Mayor Jean Burbidge and her husband Jim of Harmony Kings fame. I frequently run into South King Fire and Rescue commissioners Mark Freitas and Bill Gates, although not together. I’ve spoken with former Mayor Skip Priest and King County Aquatic Center Manager Mike Dunwiddie. All are willing to make a stop to spend chatty time with the Magruder woman who talks too much. It’s really quite lovely, isn’t it?

Sometimes, though, I embarrass myself. Like the time I met Tom Bergeron. After all of my dance lessons at Arthur Murray, you might think the “Dancing with the Stars” emcee would recognize me.

He was wearing shorts and a muscle shirt with one of those “Let’s Get Physical” sweat bands around his head and his grey hair all jelled up and spiked. Oh, and he’s really short. I’m 5-feet, 6-inches tall and he stood below me by quite a bit.

He wasn’t very friendly. He stood behind me in line at Trader Joe’s in Palm Desert, California. Over the years of vacationing there, I’ve seen several stars and they’re always filled with joy when I present myself. So, there I was face-to-face with Bergeron and, believe it or not, he shot me an inappropriate look of disgust like: “Would you stop staring at me lady?” He was obviously angry.

I admit, I spotted him in the store early on and followed him up and down the aisles to determine if, in fact, he was Tom Bergeron. It took some time because his biceps were out of proportion. Usually, body builders have a thick neck, but TB doesn’t. He has a pencil neck with blown-up arms. I wonder if Hollywood sub-stars like him do body sculpting or have muscle implants?

At any rate, all I wanted to say was: My daughters attended St. Vincent’s School in Federal Way, Washington with Apollo Anton Ohno, Olympic champion and Mirror Ball trophy winner.

Contact Federal Way resident Judith Madden Magruder at or 206-941-5977.