Mirror launches Federal Way Forum | Editor’s Note

Who knew our city is a mecca for garden enthusiasts, with a Rhododendron Species Botanical Garden, Pacific Rim Bonsai Collection, PowellsWood Garden, a garden at the Federal Way Senior Center and others at schools throughout the city?

Who knew our city is a mecca for garden enthusiasts, with a Rhododendron Species Botanical Garden, Pacific Rim Bonsai Collection, PowellsWood Garden, a garden at the Federal Way Senior Center and others at schools throughout the city?

As I’ve gotten out into the community over the past four months since I became editor, I’ve discovered a treasure trove of places like this, and things that make Federal Way unique.

There’s the Federal Way Community Center that I recently toured and discovered it had the largest public recreational pool complex in the entire state. And top-notch schools, including Federal Way Public Academy, where students’ scores are through the roof.

But I’ve also come across a host of issues the city faces.

Take traffic cameras. How useful are they for reducing collisions at some of the city’s key intersections?

And City Hall. Should the city move it to a more centralized location where people may have better access to their city leaders?

How should the city re-brand itself to make Federal Way more attractive to potential businesses and residents who want to move here? What is our identity?

Is the proposed Performing Arts and Conference Center the game changer that will spur economic development in Federal Way? These are just some of the questions we face as the city moves ahead.

It’s time to start talking, Federal Way.

This week, the Mirror is launching a new monthly feature — the Federal Way Forum. We hope this feature will engage residents on different issues that are important to the community. The forum will offer different viewpoints on particular issues and offer residents the opportunity to respond, thus becoming part of the conversation.

We invite you to fill out the survey included in the forum. The survey is available for you to fill out in print and mail it back to the Mirror, or you may complete it online at www.federalwaymirror.com.

We will share your responses with city leaders for their consideration as they weigh in on the issues.

Please also consider forming your own discussion group and chat over coffee, or have a conversation with your family at the kitchen table.

The topic this week will weigh the proposed Performing Arts and Conference Center. Please look for that conversation and corresponding survey at www.federalwaymirror.com/news/253917231.html.

We invite you to be part of the conversation that will move Federal Way forward and keep our city a special place.