Let’s talk turkey in Federal Way | Andy Hobbs

There is a movement brewing in Federal Way to build a monument for U.S. veterans. What do you think?

Editor: Welcome back to the show. Our special guest is Tom, a local turkey. Thank you for joining us during this holiday weekend to discuss life in Federal Way.

Turkey: No problem. I feel lucky just to be here. As you know, Thanksgiving isn’t a safe time to be a turkey.

Editor: There is a movement brewing in Federal Way to build a monument for U.S. veterans. What do you think?

Turkey: The U.S. military is important to me, even more so after my father made the ultimate sacrifice this year in Iraq.

Editor: Did he die in battle?

Turkey: No. He was this year’s Thanksgiving dinner for a squadron of Marines. But my father wanted to give those overseas troops some of the comforts from home because they are so far away from their families. As Americans, we have a moral duty to support the military and those who put themselves in harm’s way. It is refreshing to hear that several Federal Way citizens support a veterans monument. The city already hosts an annual Veterans Day observance. A monument would be the cherry on top.

Editor: I was talking with State Rep. Katrina Asay, who formerly served as mayor of Milton. She said Milton residents got their veterans monument built after about a year of regular meetings and fundraising. Have you seen it?

Turkey: Yes, it’s impressive. I hear citizens can purchase engraved bricks for it.

Editor: Asay said volunteers maintain the site, and there’s almost always someone at the memorial at any given time.

Turkey: What did it cost?

Editor: Including all the in-kind donations, the cost was around $250,000.

Turkey: Gobble gobble! That’s a lot of cabbage. Regardless of what Federal Way pursues, the city needs a bold monument, whatever it takes.

Editor: Absolutely. Refill your wine?

Turkey: Thank you. Cheers! Why are you always writing about a veterans monument in Federal Way?

Editor: Such a monument will add cultural value to the area and become a point of pride. Plus, I believe in the power that comes from creating something new. The more we do that for Federal Way, the better.

Turkey: This won’t be a financial savior.

Editor: I know. But it gives visitors one more reason to spend their money at downtown restaurants and businesses.

Turkey: With that in mind, maybe you should start writing about how the city needs a big electronic billboard on 320th Street near I-5 to announce local events and news.

Editor: Good idea. More wine?

Turkey: Sure, fill ‘er up! If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you were trying to get me drunk. By the way, something in the kitchen sure smells good. What’s cooking?

Editor: We’ve got mashed potatoes and gravy, sourdough bread stuffing, Grandma’s famous green bean casserole, deviled eggs, sweet potatoes, cranberry dressing and pecan pie. Only thing missing is the main dish.

Turkey: (gulps) What’s the main dish?

Editor: Follow me into the kitchen and I’ll show you…