End of the year political awards: 2009 edition | Bob Roegner

I know you have all been holding your breath for my annual end of the year awards, so a little traveling music, please.

To Pierce County goes the “On Second Thought” award. They voted in Ranked Choice Voting two years ago. Voters then elected perennial candidate Dale Washam as assessor-treasurer. Somewhat predictably, Washam’s management style resulted in significant office turmoil, causing the voters to reconsider and throw out Ranked Choice Voting in November.

The “Can We Have a Do-Over?” award goes to Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels, who was eliminated in the primary with “message” votes, but would have likely defeated new Seattle Mayor Mike McGinn had they both been in the general election.

The “Do I Need a Helmet?” award goes to Police Chief and Acting Federal Way City Manager Brian Wilson upon realizing he will have to stay in the city manager’s job for another year. Many of his council members will campaign to be his boss and the city’s first elected mayor. The politics around City Hall are likely to be both draining and dangerous.

The “Last Laugh” award goes to Neal Beets, former Federal Way city manager, who successfully landed on his feet with a job in Connecticut. The bad news? He has 11 council members. The good news? It’s a small township of 25,000 people with significantly lower political dynamics. Good luck, Neal!

The “Why Bother with Elections” award goes to King County Council member Pete von Reichbauer, who again ran unopposed. Between his Senate time and council time, von Reichbauer’s popularity makes him unbeatable.

The “Good Luck” award goes to Federal Way Municipal Court Judge David Larson, who will have a new title as presiding judge come January. But not all the problems went away just because the public changed judges.

The “How Many Assessors Can We Have in One Year?” award goes to King County with four. Incumbent Assessor Scott Noble resigned after a DUI and assault conviction. Acting Assessor Rich Medved had a stroke and then passed away. New Acting Assessor Lynn Gering retired after a few weeks, then Lloyd Hara was elected.

The “Surprise Good Showing” award goes to new King County Executive Dow Constantine, who exceeded most pre-election predictions by almost six points. The same award goes to outgoing Federal Way Judge Michael Morgan, who after a very turbulent year, not only made it to the general election, but picked up 41 percent of the vote.

The “Mr. Lucky” award goes to Fred Jarrett, new deputy county executive. Had Ross Hunter not gotten in the race for executive, Jarrett might have won. However, both Dow Constantine and Susan Hutchison offered him jobs.

The “Careful What You Ask For” award goes to the “yes” vote on Proposition 1 to implement a strong mayor form of government. Some supporters were surprised to learn their candidate might have company in the race from more qualified candidates.

The “Thanks for the Memories” award goes to Federal Way School District Superintendent Tom Murphy, who announced his retirement.

Have a Happy New Year and thanks for reading.