Cheers n’ jeers: Mother’s Day weekend edition | Editorial

• Cheers to all mothers on Mother’s Day and any other day. Without you, there’s no us.

• Cheers to the most outstanding sunny weather for the start of May. Whoever did that sun dance should sign up for “Dancing with the Stars.”

• Jeers to all of the recent killings around the world and particularly in Federal Way at the Pinewood Village Apartments. You’d think as a sentient species, we would be better than this.

• Cheers to Federal Way Police Cmdr. Kyle Sumpter for making the next edition of “Top Shot: All Stars.” Here’s hoping to a good outcome again for him. He represents the police department very well in this History Channel reality TV show.

• Jeers to the city and the chamber of commerce for allowing more businesses to leave Federal Way than are opening. This is not a zero sum game. Someone doesn’t have to lose to allow another to win. There is room for everyone.

• Cheers to all mothers on Mother’s Day and any other day. Without you, there’s no us.

• Cheers to Thomas Jefferson High School for its recent production of the musical “Chicago.” The students worked hard and did a wonderful job in bringing quality theater to their city.

• Cheers to the mentors for Communities In Schools of Federal Way. Because of these positive adult role models, more kids stay in school and learn to succeed in life.

• Jeers to the city’s FEDRAC committee for suggesting high school students design the next motto for the city. There’s a reason advertising firms exist. They employ clever people that design and tailor these kinds of campaigns for a client. Spend the money and hire a top firm to do this. This is a clear case of being penny wise and pound foolish.

• Cheers to Todd Beamer High School student and Eagle Scout Austin Bergstrom, whose CPR training and quick action saved a woman’s life after she collapsed in Safeway in Milton earlier this year. We need more citizens like Austin Bergstrom. On that note, cheers to Gov. Jay Inslee, who signed a bill into law Wednesday that ensures all high school students receive CPR training before they graduate. The law will make CPR education part of health class.
