Cheers and jeers of the year | Editorial

Cheers to the general election candidates for running a somewhat above-the-board race. The mudslinging was within the boundaries of acceptable taste, though it did get testy in the 30th District race.

Cheers to the general election candidates for running a somewhat above-the-board race. The mudslinging was within the boundaries of acceptable taste, though it did get testy in the 30th District race.

Jeers to the candidates who continue to run and run and run again for office without winning. Isn’t it obvious that the voters of Federal Way want to go in a different direction with another candidate?

Cheers to the candidates who turned out for the Mirror’s debates. Jeers to the mayor for speaking out of turn.

Cheers to the city of Federal Way in putting a park downtown with an actual restroom, but jeers to the city in the execution of this. Putting together a temporary park, only to go over-budget, tear it up, and then replace it in its entirety, seems more than a little careless with taxpayer’s money. Perhaps some forethought into this project before a ready-shoot-aim approach would have produced a different outcome. Jeers to the mayor and city for spending so much money on Town Square Park I and II but cheers for Federal Way having more and well-used parks than any other city in the state.

Cheers to the Mirror and city for pressuring cleanup of the old Wilson’s Trophy building that was destroyed in a marijuana fire on Pacific Highway. It was a poor “welcome sign” for our fair city.

Jeers to supporters of 30th District House candidates who spent too much money distributing unreliable information.

Cheers to the large American flag on 320th close to the new center of town, whenever that happens.

Jeers to Weyerhaeuser for leaving Federal Way and the city economic development effort so far for not attracting new businesses to this site.

Cheers on having the best roads of any city in Washington state. When you’re stuck in traffic, it’s nice to be on a well-paved road.

Jeers to Federal Way traffic that seems worse by the apparent lack of coordination between Puget Sound Energy, Lakehaven and the city. New high-density development makes traffic management even more imperative.

Cheers to the hundreds of volunteers throughout Federal Way who contribute so generously of their time and money to Federal Way organizations.

Jeers to the Mirror publisher for not teaching political candidates how to use the microphone off and on switch at the Mirror’s political debates.

Cheers to our mayor, fire and police departments for participating in Federal Way community activities such as the Salmon Feed and the National Night Out.

Jeers to the Federal Way Public Schools board for implementing half-day attendance without the opportunity for public input. And what about “policy governance,” a concept illegal in Canada and, soon to be, in the U.S.? Why doesn’t the school board want to take responsibility for student outcomes?

Cheers to the teachers at Nautilus Elementary for meeting, on their own time, with all students before the school year. Wow!

Jeers to the school district for not educating our youth as to the dangers of opiates, heroin, marijuana and other drugs that are rampant in our schools. The same jeers to teachers for not educating themselves so they know the signs.

Cheers to the school board for hiring Tammy Campbell as the district’s new superintendent, who is already making positive strides as the district’s new leader.

Jeers to Sound Transit for its lame service to Federal Way in favor of Bellevue, our constant nemesis.

Cheers to the city for zero tolerance on graffiti and trying to “shine Federal Way up like a new penny.”

Jeers to the city of ignoring the pedestrian problems on 11th Place South and Marine Hills.

Cheers to the Century Theaters for installing lounge chairs at The Commons theaters. They are working hard and spending money to make these theaters more attractive even though there will be fewer seats overall.

Jeers to the Mirror staff for jumping the gun on daylight savings by a month. We had to reset our clocks twice because of this.

Cheers to Multi-Service Center for caring for the community.

Jeers to the city for being unable so far to obtain New Markets Tax Credit federal funding for the Performing Arts and Event Center.

Cheers to the temporary day shelter that will serve the homeless with meals, showers and more.

Jeers to all the business vacancies around town. Cheers to all the recent new businesses who are slowly starting to fill those vacancies.

Cheers to Centerstage Theatre and the city for coming to an agreement on a new contract.

Jeers to the general election’s voter turnout.

Cheers to Monte Powell for maintaining and continuing to enhance Powellswood Garden.

Jeers to the city’s chief of staff and former police chief who is seeking to pursue a state pension for the third time, even though state officials twice deemed him ineligible for benefits and claimed he was not really retired from the police department.

Cheers to the city for holding regular Neighborhood Connection meetings.

Cheers to Mr. and Mrs. Federal Way for keeping the community entertained. The more people don’t like you, the more you need to stay.