• Cheers to Federal Way’s AmeriCorps program for its annual Sweets for Success fundraiser held Friday. Under the angelic direction of Monda Holsinger, AmeriCorps sets a definitive example in strengthening schools and youth. The same can be said of Communities in Schools of Federal Way as well as the Federal Way/Auburn Boys and Girls Clubs.
• Jeers to the two students who spiked their teacher’s coffee with syrup of ipecac. A Sequoyah Middle School teacher left school sick — while two little pranksters giggled. The Mirror recommends forgoing the standard legal punishments in favor of something more radical, but oddly appropriate. Have each kid chug one bottle of ipecac every morning for a week. Either that, or let the teacher smack those brats silly for 10 — er, 20 minutes each. Also, jeers to the Web commenters who don’t think it’s a big deal to spike your wife’s coffee and make her vomit.
• Cheers to the Federal Way City Council for clearing one of several hurdles this year in awarding the Knutzen Family Theatre’s management to Centerstage Theatre. No, The Mirror is not flip-flopping — the deal is still a gamble. But there was talk of termination clauses to protect both sides. In addition, each council member’s collective leap of faith may represent the optimism we crave from government, regardless of (ahem) political overtones. Good luck with the City Center Access vote, which would add an off-ramp from I-5. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.
• Jeers to the tea party protests held on tax day, April 15. As Americans, we must tattoo unity on our brains. It is OK to think cautiously and downright disagree. However, there is no telling where these economic times will lead the nation. As usual, we have two buses for the same trailblazing trip, but each bus travels a different route. And both bus drivers are drunk from too much rhetoric.
• Cheers to Paige Edmiston, the Federal Way High School senior who earned a scholarship for $25,000 with her winning essay, “A New Breed of Superhero for the 21st century.” Paige beat thousands of entries nationwide in a contest that asked, “What does true patriotism mean to you?” Read her essay online at www.truepat.org/essaywinner. Kudos to Paige for doing whatever she did to be able to write that well.
• Jeers to the Washington State Legislature for granting full rights for domestic partnerships, but stopping short at calling it marriage. The day will come: Washington state and America will quit the unpatriotic marginalizing of individuals whose otherwise minority lifestyle poses no threat. As history inevitably proves, denial of liberty will not last in America.
• Cheers to the Federal Way Municipal Court for sponsoring domestic violence impact panels. Any effort to protect women and children is an effort well spent.
• Jeers to this one barista at this one Starbucks in Federal Way. Two early-morning visits in a row, she voices her disapproval of the paper’s editing decisions when all I want to do is buy a triple grande nonfat latte. Call, e-mail, write or visit the office anytime. But if you’re going to bust my chops at high volume, let me drink some coffee first.
• Cheers to Federal Way residents who contact The Mirror after reading this paragraph, which ends by seeking information on local victory gardens. These gardens have generated a nationwide buzz as a throwback to World War II. We’d love to do a story on Federal Way residents with victory gardens.