Years ago, the late journalist Harry Reasoner said this on a CBS historical documentary: “The past is like a foreign…
When I was a kid, a dude two or three years older and bigger than I was might as well…
I have many treasured memories from my four years at the University of Washington, and to this day, they bring…
One of the most significant shifts from our recent elections is America is headed back to an “all of the…
After years of odious political behavior, it is time for elected officials to focus on governing our nation with civility…
I have been thinking a lot about an alarming trend in this nation that appears to elevate ignorance.
Washington’s agriculture is a $12.8 billion business with 33,000 farms — and it runs on gasoline, diesel and natural gas….
Watching the 8mm Whale family films my dad shot when we were kids on the old Kodak takes me back…
Why, oh why, do parents do this to the children they profess to love?
When President Biden warned FEMA does not have enough money to finish the hurricane season let alone the entire year,…
I watched a documentary 15 years ago in which a reporter asked a group of kids what they wanted to…
America needs a statesperson of the stature, capability, and perspective of Daniel J. Evans as our next president.
Whether you call it a ban or a significant deterrent to future natural gas consumption, voter approval of Initiative 2066…
Before I even set out from my chemotherapy and radiation treatment in Puyallup on Monday to the office in Sumner,…
It all came to my attention one morning that formerly bewhiskered areas of my face were now bare.
I am a fool for a great read.
It has been one of the chief frustrations of my daily battle with the awful side effects of chemotherapy.
Now I’m starting to do all the healthful things I should have been doing all along. It won’t happen in a day, but I am on the road.
We’re beating each other over the heads with “alternate facts.” It’s the tolling of our death knell as a nation.
RE: Sound Transit facility slated for megachurch property in Federal Way.