Roneathe Lee was charged Oct. 14 with second-degree assault for striking Federal Way Police officer Jeff VanderVeer with her vehicle Oct. 10 at 2534 S. 317th St.
VanderVeer responded to a scene at which he witnessed Lee violating a domestic violence protection order. He attempted to stop Lee before she left the location, but she hit him with her truck while trying to flee, according to court documents. VanderVeer suffered a dislocated right shoulder from the incident.
Lee was also charged with violation of a court order and a domestic violence residential burglary, according to court documents. Bail is set at $50,000 based on the likelihood that she will fail to attend future court dates and is likely to commit another violent crime if released, according to court documents.
Lee has faced convictions of malicious mischief, driving with a suspended license, destruction or property, misdemeanor assault, obstructing justice, reckless endangerment, driving under the influence, and assault in the third degree beginning in 1999, according to court documents.