Here’s an update on the Washington Assessment of Student Learning (WASL) test in Federal Way:
From March 16-19, secondary students (grades 10-12, no ninth-graders) take the reading and writing WASL tests.
From April 13-14, secondary students take the math test.
From April 20-21, secondary students take the science test.
From April 13 through May 1, grades 3-8 will test in all subjects.
There is no change from last year in the 2009 graduation requirements.
Federal law requires states to test students in grades 3-8 and grade 10 each year. Schools, districts and the state as a whole are required to meet certain federal adequate yearly progress (AYP) goals each year. The goals are based on students’ participation and scores on the state’s assessment — which is still the WASL. Federal funding restrictions and other sanctions are imposed on those who do not make those goals. Goals include that at least 95 percent of enrolled students participate in the testing.