March 5
There were six vehicle thefts reported, and three vehicles were recovered on this day.
Pokemon card stolen: At 12:25 a.m. in the 27000 block of 21st Avenue South, the reporting party told officers that his $5,000 collectible Pokemon card was swapped for a card of lesser value. Suspect information was provided, but was inconclusive. The case was forwarded to criminal investigations.
Public transport assault: At 3:20 p.m. in the 27000 block of Pacific Highway South, Federal Way police responded to the report of an assault that occurred on a public bus.
Assault with a firearm: At 10:16 p.m. in the 2000 block of South 284th Place, there was a report of an assault with a firearm.
March 6
There was one vehicle theft reported, and one vehicle was recovered on this day.
Phone theft: At 7:55 p.m. at the Amazon Fresh store, while employees were dealing with a fire door breach, an unknown suspect went behind the counter and stole the victim’s cellphone. The phone was then tracked to a Fred Meyer store, where it was retrieved from an ECOATM kiosk. The victim retrieved her phone undamaged. So far, no viable suspects.
Drive-by shooting: At 10:47 p.m. in the 28000 block of 23rd Place South, officers responded to the location for a report of a drive-by shooting with no injuries.
March 7
There were two vehicle thefts reported, and three vehicles were recovered on this day.
Rock thrown at windshield while driving: At 12:54 a.m. in the 34000 block of 21st Avenue South, the reporting party called to report that while she was driving, someone had thrown a rock onto her windshield, breaking it. The victim said there was a sudden loud crash and the windshield was shattered while she was driving. Neither the victim nor her passenger were injured. The victim said she drove back to where the incident occurred and observed two subjects described as a 15-year-old Black male, about 5 feet tall, wearing a gray hooded sweatshirt and black sweatpants, and a 15-year-old, unknown race male, wearing a black hooded sweatshirt and black sweatpants. The victim said she saw the male in all black, bending over and picking up rocks from the side of the road. She said she called out to them, and the males ran away. No cameras were in the area. Leads exhausted.
Two vehicles stolen out of a garage: At 6:30 a.m. in the 32000 block of 51st Avenue Southwest, a garage was burglarized. Two vehicles were taken from inside the garage. There was no damage to the garage door or front door of the residence. The vehicles were later located and processed for fingerprints.
Thief escapes on the bus: At 1:28 p.m. in the 32000 block of Pacific Highway South, there was a report that a male stole five items of clothing with trackers on them. Officers tracked the items, but then it was discovered that the male had gotten on a northbound bus, and then he could not be located. He stole $221.95 worth of products.
March 8
There were two vehicle thefts reported, and one vehicle was recovered on this day.
Smashed glass at business: At 10:16 a.m. in the 31000 block of Pacific Highway South, a commercial burglary was reported. When officers responded, they found that the glass to the front door was smashed and a window next to the door was smashed. Upon inspecting the building, nothing was stolen. About $4,500 in damage.
Elderly fight: At 11:13 a.m. in the 31000 block of Pete von Reichbauer Way South, an officer responded to an assault. Upon contact, it appeared that two elderly females had gotten into a shoving match, causing both parties to end up on the ground. Upon further investigation, the officers learned that an involved male had shoved one of the females, causing a complaint of pain.
March 9
There were two vehicle thefts reported, and one vehicle was recovered on this day.
Drunk driver with weapon apprehended: At 3:28 a.m. in the 28000 block of Pacific Highway South, a traffic stop was conducted when the driver was seen driving in oncoming traffic. The driver was arrested for driving under the influence. A weapon was found in the vehicle.
Attempted burglary: At 8:59 a.m. in the 33000 block of 39th Avenue Southwest, a male attempted to enter an occupied residence unlawfully by taking off a window screen in the backyard. The suspect was described as a Black male with dreads, with a thin build, around 6 feet tall and between 20 to 30 years old. The male was associated with a black SUV. The suspect was interrupted by the resident.
Counterfeit phone sold: At 6:19 p.m. in the 1600 block of S. 310th Street, the victim reported that she had attempted to purchase an iPhone from OfferUp. The victim reported that she met with the seller, a young Black male wearing all black clothing. The victim paid $700 cash for the phone, and the male left. The victim said she took the phone to Best Buy, where employees told her that the phone was counterfeit. No identifying information on the suspect.
March 10
There were two vehicle thefts reported, and zero vehicles were recovered on this day.
Phone stolen in OfferUp deal: At 10:50 a.m. in the 31000 block of Pacific Highway South, the victim stated that he was meeting with an unknown subject that was interested in buying the victim’s phone on OfferUp. When they met, the suspect, a Black male in his 20s, 5’8” with a thin build, took the victim’s phone, said thanks and ran away.
Garage squatter with a gun: At 5:42 p.m. in the 1900 block of Southwest Campus Drive, four subjects were contacted who were squatting in a vacant garage. One of the males fled after being advised that he was detained, and two other males were detained and identified. A female also fled the area before police arrival. The male who fled was photographed with a firearm.
March 11
There were two vehicle thefts reported, and zero vehicles were recovered on this day.
Money stolen from employer: At 8:38 a.m. in the 100 block of Southwest 330th Street, a former employee stole money from their employer. The victim refused to prosecute.