Robbery at Heritage Bank | Federal Way crime blotter

Following is a sample from the Federal Way police log:

• Bank robbery: At 11:05 a.m. May 8 at 32303 Pacific Highway South, a suspect robbed Heritage Bank for an undisclosed amount of money. He or she left in a gray SUV.

• Wire theft: At 11:02 p.m. May 7 at 35030 S. 352nd St., police received a report that streets lights between Costco and Home Depot were not working. Upon further investigation it was discovered wire theft had taken place.

• Stolen mail: At 10:46 p.m. May 7 in the 32300 block of 9th Avenue South, a person reported his or her postmaster left a note in the mailbox that informed the resident the box’s flag was up, but no mail was inside. The resident was attempting to mail utility bills and a mortgage payment.

• Stolen boat parts: At 10:39 p.m. May 7 in the 3000 block of Southwest 300th Place, a resident discovered the motor to his boat, which was parked in the front yard, was stolen.

• Smelly situation: At 10:12 p.m. May 8 in the 33100 block of 30th Avenue Southwest, a person reported three suspected juveniles threw rotten eggs at his or her home, possibly damaging windows.

• False report: At 2:16 p.m. May 8 in the 27900 block of Pacific Highway South, a suspect called police to report seven abandoned children in an apartment complex. When police arrived, it was discovered that the children were being cared for by a neighbor. The caller admitted to submitting a false report in order to get police to respond. The caller said he or she wished to become an officer and placed the call to watch how officers respond and learn from the experience.

• Caught in the act: At 1:02 p.m. May 8 in the 33000 block of 10th Avenue Southwest, an officer caught a juvenile spray painting a garage. The damage was removed.

• Attempted robbery: At 11:03 a.m. May 8 at 1436 S. 312th St., a culprit entered U.S. Bank and showed a demand note. He or she attempted to rob the bank and escaped before police arrived.

• Stolen car accessories: At 9:27 a.m. May 8 in the 1300 block of Southwest Campus Drive, a victim reported rims stolen from his or her vehicle. The windshield was also damaged.