From staff reports:
The annual Recycle Palooza event will be 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. April 27 at the Federal Way Community Center. Participants are eligible for a $1,000 grand prize, a $200 garbage bill credit, or $25 gift cards.
To be eligible for the competition, Federal Way residents must sign up by April 10 at or (253) 835-2771.
According to the city, 50 households will be randomly selected to have their recycling carts sealed, labeled and removed on their regular service day during the week of April 15-26. Those carts will be taken to the Community Center for the April 27 event, at which time they will be judged for how “well” the households recycle.
Those interested in participating can double their chances of being selected by attending a recycling class from 6-8 p.m. April 10 at City Hall. Participants will receive door prizes ranging from a $50 gift card to a scale model recycling truck.