Amen to the guest column by Federal Way resident Frank Comita, “Socialist state steals from taxpayers” (April 30).
On April 29, the Washington State Department of Health suspended the license of certified nursing assistant Joseph N. Njonge, who pleaded not guilty in the first-degree murder of Twin Lakes resident Jane Carol Britt.
t Five finalists vie for top job;
“I have a simple point — God is good,” Christian Faith Center pastor Casey Treat said at the city’s annual prayer breakfast.
The following is a sample from the Federal Way police public information log:
The Federal Way Symphony with music director and conductor Brian Davenport will present its season finale concert “Romancing the Romantic” at 7:30 p.m. May 3 and 2 p.m. May 4 at St. Luke’s church, 515 S. 312th St. Guest artist is violinist Misha Keylin, who is rapidly forging the major career promised by his Carnegie Hall debut at age 11.
With prom and graduation fast approaching, Federal Way teens will soon be faced with decisions about drinking.
t Applicants sought for other vacancy
A high-profile land donation and $500,000 from the Legislature could put a performing arts center among the large-scale projects downtown Federal Way will pursue in coming years.
The Friends of the Hylebos, with help from more than 1,000 volunteers, has planted more than 80,000 trees and shrubs and preserved 410 acres in the West Hylebos Wetlands.
By Joni Ribera, Let’s Talk Real Estate
By Amy Johnson, Sex in the Suburbs
By Jerry Vaughn, Travel Talk
Sometimes silence speaks quite loudly.
Change requires action — and more of both are needed to stop the Iraq War and free millions of Iraqi refugees, said nurse and political activist Gerri Haynes.