In broad daylight, a man was robbed at gunpoint, losing his phone and wallet.
Woman was killed during an attempted carjacking, according to police.
Federal Way man was employed at Discovery Playtown in Maple Valley.
“Nobody in the room has all the absolute answers.”
The victim said it took her a moment to realize what had happened.
From the Federal Way police log.
Also: Honoring lifeguards and a pair of proclamations.
“Let’s raise this flag to declare Federal Way a safe, affirming space.”
Case is related to the robbery of a cannabis shop in Renton.
Fentanyl crisis is among top concerns for responders in King County.
Several cases involve ‘Orbeez’ guns that shoot gel balls.
From the Federal Way police log.
Once in June 2023 and again in May 2024, the suspect allegedly pointed her gun at others
South King Fire chief says the measure will improve service and save money for most homeowners.
Decline similar to many cities of 50,000 or more across the nation, according to U.S. Census Bureau
Congressman Adam Smith talks transitional housing and more during visit to FUSION facility in Federal Way.
Thomas Jefferson High School was packed with students driving robots, tending to live chicks, demonstrating cooking and pottery, and even pitching business propositions onstage on May 22.
From the Federal Way Police Blotter
Case is under investigation.
Federal Way Diversity Commission members share thoughts on the incident.