Masked men duct-tape victim during robbery | Federal Way Police Blotter

From the Federal Way police log.

July 31

There was one vehicle theft, and one vehicle was recovered on this day.

Passed out in the street: At about 3:57 a.m. in the 2000 block of SW 320th Street, a man was reported to be lying in the street and was almost hit by a moving vehicle multiple times. When the man was approached, he woke up and stumbled into oncoming traffic. The man had slurred speech, and he could not walk or talk to officers or tell them where he lived. The man was involuntarily committed because his family could not be contacted, and he was publicly intoxicated.

TJ Maxx threat: At about 12:15 p.m. in the parking lot of TJ Maxx, the reporting party said they exchanged words with an unknown person, and then the unknown person walked away and returned with a knife and made threats. The unknown person then fled on foot.

Aug. 1

There were three vehicle thefts, and two vehicles were recovered on this day.

Attempted to flee: At about 5:20 p.m. in the 3100 block of 11th Place S., a person was found passed out on the street. The subject was found to have a warrant, and in attempting to arrest him, he began fleeing. He was then caught and booked on warrants. Obstruction charges are pending.

Stolen firearm: At about 7:20 p.m. in the 1400 block of SW 348th Street, a firearm was stolen from a vehicle. No suspect information or video footage.

Aug. 2

There was one vehicle theft, and five vehicles were recovered on this day.

Angry Door Dasher: At about 12:40 a.m. in the 34000 block of Pacific Hwy. S., a suspect who was a Door Dash delivery driver had gotten frustrated and kicked the glass front door. The suspect fled before police arrival.

Drug users found asleep: At about 9 a.m. in the 100 block of SW Dash Point Road, upon contacting a vehicle, officers saw drug paraphernalia around the driver and the passenger. The occupants were passed out at the wheel in a parking lot with a substantial amount of foot traffic. Both occupants were compliant and detained in handcuffs. After an interview and standard field sobriety tests, there was no probable cause for a crime. Both occupants were released and referred to the Mobile Crisis Unit for drug program referrals.

Aug. 3

There were zero vehicle thefts, and one vehicle was recovered on this day.

Weapons violation: At about 12:50 p.m. in the 31000 block of Pacific Hwy. S., officers responded to the area for a threat with a handgun. Probable cause was established, but the suspect was not located and was not known to the victim.

Assault at Steel Lake: At about 8 p.m., officers responded to Steel Lake Park for an assault in progress. The involved parties had left the scene prior to police arrival, and none of them called 911 to report the incident. Officers contacted the reporting party and gathered video of the incident. The reporting party did not know how the fight started.

Aug. 4

There was one vehicle theft, and zero vehicles were recovered on this day.

Duct taped: At about 1:41 p.m. in the 32000 block of Military Road S., police responded to an apartment after receiving a call from a male victim who stated that two males had just entered the apartment and robbed him and his girlfriend at gunpoint. The two males wore ski masks and had duct-taped the male’s hands and feet. They had also physically assaulted his girlfriend prior to fleeing. A safe containing $30,000 in cash was stolen. The suspects have not been located or identified at this time.

Thief fled: At about 6:20 a.m. in the 31000 block of 23rd Avenue S., a victim flagged an officer down working at the transit center and reported a theft. The suspect was located nearby and fled upon police contact. The suspect was detained and arrested without further incident.

Murders confession: At about 12:20 p.m. in the 28000 block of Pacific Hwy. S., the reporting party disclosed a crime that occurred approximately 23 years ago when they were 6 years old. The reporting male said that when he was 6 years old, he was with a group of unidentified adults who had killed an unidentified female. The reporting party said that he was in a vehicle with the same group of identified adults, and the driver hit a man with the vehicle, killing him. The reporting party stated the female was killed in Renton, and the male was killed in Bonney Lake. The reporting party could not provide accurate locations, times, or dates. The reporting party was advised to contact the Renton Police Department and Bonney Lake Police Department due to the locations of the incidents.

Aug. 5

There were three vehicle thefts, and three vehicles were recovered on this day.

Juvenile robs car at gunpoint: At about 3:20 a.m. in the 27000 block of Pacific Hwy. S., officers investigated an armed robbery of a vehicle. The suspect was located in the vehicle and placed in custody. The juvenile suspect was booked, and the vehicle was returned to the owner.

Slumped over man arrested: At about 9:45 a.m. in the 20000 block of SW 344th Street, a male was found slumped over in a running vehicle. Probable cause was found for physical control, and the male was arrested.

Aug. 6

There were three vehicle thefts, and three vehicles were recovered on this day.

Stolen firearm: At about 2 p.m., the officer contacted a victim who reported his vehicle had been broken into and several things, including a firearm, had been stolen. The victim stated that he was a DOC officer and had his plate carrier and gun belt stolen.

Lost gun: At about 4:30 p.m. in the 5200 block of SW Dash Point Rd., the reporting party said he could not find his purple 9mm handgun after looking for it for over two weeks. The reporting party said he lived with three roommates, and while he was gone one day, he believes someone entered his room and stole the handgun, which he said he kept unsecured under his mattress. The roommates denied having found or taken the gun. No suspects or witnesses. The gun was entered in as stolen.