Man exposes himself at the community center | Federal Way Police Blotter

From the Federal Way Police Department log.

Oct. 16

There were two vehicle thefts, and three vehicles were recovered on this day.

Sounds of gunfire: At about 12:50 a.m. in the 3000 block of S. 377th St., officers were responding to a call of service at a different location when officers heard sounds of gunfire in the vicinity. Officers believed unknown subjects were shooting at them because rounds were heard whizzing overhead and impacting trees behind officers.

Friend shoots a gun: At about 5 p.m. in the 32000 block of 20th Lane SW, the reporting party reported that a friend came to her apartment and discharged a firearm into the floor of a second-floor apartment.

Oct. 17

There were three vehicle thefts, and one vehicle was recovered on this day.

Man publicizes his privates: At about 4:15 p.m. at the Federal Way Community Center, a patron of the community center exposed his genitals to another patron, causing alarm and disgust. A possible suspect identity was obtained from staff. A photo lineup was created and will be shown to the victim. Staff were advised to consider banning the suspect from the facility.

Oct. 18

There were four vehicle thefts, and zero vehicles were recovered on this day.

Arson: At about 2:05 a.m. in the 31000 block of 2nd Lane SW, officers responded to a vehicle on fire. After investigation, it was revealed that it was an arson. King County arson investigators responded.

Fight at school: At about 7:45 a.m. at a Federal Way school, a fight occurred between two juveniles during school hours. A parent of one of the students came on campus accompanied by another family member without permission and attempted to fight the other involved juvenile. All parties were escorted off of the campus. Consideration was given to trespassing the mother who attempted to assault a student, pending school district approval.

Man loses gun: At about 11:20 a.m. in the 34000 block of Pacific Hwy. S., officers responded to a report of a recent theft from a vehicle. The victim stated that his pistol was taken from his vehicle. The unknown suspect accessed the vehicle through the driver’s rear side window and grabbed a Bible case that had the pistol concealed inside.

Assault with a firearm: At about 7:25 p.m., in the 32000 block of 19th Lane SW, there was a report of an assault with a firearm.

Oct. 19

There was one vehicle theft, and one vehicle was recovered on this day.

Man throws rock at car window: At about 3 a.m. on the 29000 block of Military Rd. S., a Hispanic male with a beard, brown hoodie, and dark jeans threw a rock at the victim’s vehicle. This caused about $120 in damage to the driver’s side window.

Knifepoint group robbery: At about 1:50 p.m. in the 33000 block of Pacific Hwy. S., officers responded to the listed location for an armed robbery. Three suspects entered the store and grabbed the employee from behind the counter. One of the suspects, described as a Black male, pushed the employee into the corner and brandished a knife at the employee. The suspects stole approximately $850 worth of merchandise from the store. The suspects fled the location in a silver vehicle displaying a WA license plate.

Business robbed with a firearm: At about 9:10 p.m. in the 33000 block of Pacific Hwy. S., there was a report of a business being robbed with a firearm.

Oct. 20

There were two vehicle thefts, and one vehicle was recovered on this day.

Demanding a ride: At about 4 a.m. in the 20000 block of Pacific Hwy. S., a man was running up to random cars and demanding a ride. He appeared to be intoxicated and combative while police attempted to provide resources. He walked out into traffic at one point during contact and made a statement to police that they should just shoot him to end it. He was involuntarily committed.

Board with nails: At about 5:05 a.m. in the 32000 block of Pacific Hwy. S., a victim was followed for several blocks by a suspect, who used two boards with nails in them to attempt to hit the victim. The victim evaded the suspect’s attempts. The suspect also made threats to cause the victim injury as well. The suspect was arrested and booked on a Federal Way warrant.

Six people hit with a car: At about 3:20 p.m. in the 33000 block of Pacific Hwy. S., the reporting party stated that the listed suspect struck six pedestrians after a party at the location and then fled.

Oct. 21

There was one vehicle theft, and zero vehicles were recovered on this day.

Oct. 22

There were three vehicle thefts, and two vehicles were recovered on this day.

Gas station robbery: At about 4:25 a.m. in the 31000 block of Pacific Hwy. S., officers responded to a convenience store where the reporting party was repeating, “Help me.” Arriving on the scene, officers observed a subject leaving who was being vigorously pointed out by the victims. Officers established the subject had just robbed the victims with a knife. The subject was taken into custody and booked on multiple felony charges.

Pistol found in hotel room: At about 12:45 p.m. in the 32000 block of 25th Ave. S., a manager found a pistol left behind in a hotel room. The cleaner reported finding it after the customers had already vacated. The pistol returned clear and registered to the listed owner, who was not listed on the room rental. Nothing criminal was found at this time.

Fight with weapons: At about 10:45 p.m. in the 32000 block of 1st Ave. S., officers responded to a fight with weapons involved. When officers arrived, both parties were gone from the scene. There were no reports of injury. One gunshot was heard, and one casing was recovered.