Lydia Assefa-Dawson, Federal Way City Council | Meet the candidate

Schooling: Masters in Organizational Management How long have you lived in Federal Way

Age: 54

Schooling: Masters in Organizational Management

How long have you lived in Federal Way: Five-plus years

Family members: Christian Dawson, Caleb Dawson and

Joshua Dawson

Hobbies: Reading, volunteering and socializing with friends

How long in office: City Council 16 months

Relevant commissions/offices held: Land Use Transportation Committee of the council; Advancing Leadership, board member; city Human Services Commission; Ethiopian Community Center, planning committee; State Advisory Committee on Homelessness; Committee to End Homelessness Governing Board (former); Federal Way Public Schools Parent Engagement and Key Communicators Team member

What are the top 3 items you want the constituents of Federal Way to know about you?

Faith and family: My faith and my children are very important to me, and what keep me grounded.

Challenges as opportunities: I like challenges because they offer me the opportunity to look for solutions. As a person who has had to deal with adversities all my life, I have learned to accept them and work toward a better outcome or find a way to solve the problem.

Leadership and service: I have had numerous leadership and volunteer opportunities in various capacities, and I have risen to the occasion. I find that people have a lot to offer, so I appreciate the interaction with people. It creates a learning environment and an opportunity to meet people’s needs, which I thrive in. I am hard working, insightful, caring, dependable, collaborative and effective.

Contact: P.O. Box 6258, Federal Way, WA 9806; 253-320- 3168;