To the Class of 2021,
As your Federal Way Public Schools Associated Student Body Presidents, we’ve co-written you a farewell tribute:
Daniel Chung — TAF@Saghalie
Have you heard the quote “every time a bell rings an angel gets his wings”? When that first bell rang on the first day of school, we never knew of wings (and definitely were not angels). Looking back, it feels as if we flew through the past 715 days. Now, the bell has rung for the last time, and we’ll keep the wings, our power, so that we can soar. It’s a wonderful life, angels. Let’s rise.
Jasmyne Mendoza — Decatur
If there is one thing this past year and the years before have taught me, it is that the passage of time is unrelenting and often brutal. Progress can be inconsiderate, life can be cruel. And yet, here we stand. There is freedom in the fear of not knowing what comes next, and opportunity in the uncertainty of past decisions. When it is time to fall, fall. And when it is time to get back up, brush yourself off and stand up stronger, kinder, and wiser than before. Be proud of who you are and what you have achieved, and let that grace carry you into whatever incredible voyage awaits.
Paul Kwon — Thomas Jefferson
Our future may be a moment of not knowing what to do or it may be something we look forward to, but what is important is the legacy we left behind. Throughout every interaction, we have made an impact in our community, a place where we call home. These are the moments that are passed on and cherished. Most importantly, I want you to enjoy your time. It’s a journey, and quite an adventure without knowing what may happen. Don’t be afraid to take that chance, because it won’t come again. This is the time, your moment, so create your vision and be you.
Celina Kim — Todd Beamer
We are stepping into a new chapter in our lives. You might feel nervous, excited, scared, or lost. Whatever you’re feeling, you are not alone. We all come from different backgrounds, lead different lives, and have different definitions of success. Do not feel discouraged if you are not where you want to be. Instead, push forward with the utmost confidence and courage to live your best life. You are so capable of everything you want to achieve. You are so strong after everything you’ve been through. You are so worthy of happiness and love. And you are so much more than you think you are.
Matthew Oakes — Federal Way
It’s odd to think about, but our class of 2021 may be remembered for this past year, the one year that we weren’t even at our schools. However, I hope that when they look back on us 50 years from now, they also see our response. There isn’t a clearer example of the human spirit than what we have shown this past year. As the world has given us cruelty, we’ve responded with kindness. As much as it has given us chances to give up, we’ve kept pushing. And as much as it has kept us apart, we’ve stayed together. This is who we are, and I can only hope this is how we will be remembered.
With gratitude and love,
The ASB Presidents of Federal Way Public Schools