In Federal Way schools, kindergarten registration officially begins May 1.
As part of that, parents are invited to attend “Kindergarten Jumpstart” information and registration events at the elementary schools in May, through the first week in June.
These events allow parents and students to see the classroom, meet the teachers and to receive tips for being kindergarten-ready.
Like the current year, all Federal Way elementary schools will provide free all-day kindergarten to all students this coming year.
In order to register for kindergarten, the child must be 5 years old by Aug. 31. Parents are invited to stop by during the regular school day; bring a certified copy of your child’s birth certificate or other documentation. Current immunization records are also needed. For more information, go to the district kindergarten enrollment page or call your neighborhood school.
Registration at all elementary schools begins May 1, during regular school hours. The dates of Kindergarten Jumpstart programs at each school will be posted on the district website in April.