The Federal Way Police Department invites the community to meet and greet the police officers who serve the community during the Coffee with a Cop event on Oct. 3.
The Ma Boulangerie Bakery (1770 S. 320th St., Federal Way) will host the event from 8–10 a.m. This is the Federal Way Police Department’s fifth event and an opportunity for residents to meet with Police Explorers, patrol officers, detectives, traffic officers, special operations unit officers, lieutenants, and command staff.
Coffee with a Cop is an innovative program started by the Hawthorne Police Department (California) in 2011 in response to tensions between the police and the community. FWPD wants to continue the effort to help break down barriers, by following a simple plan – officers invite the community to join them for a cup of coffee and a conversation. For more information, visit