From staff reports:
Federal Way police want citizens to have a safe and crime-free holiday season. Family gatherings and activities are on the rise, and so are opportunities to become a crime victim.
Follow these safety tips to avoid becoming a crime victim.
• When shopping, always have your purse or wallet on your person. Never leave it in a shopping cart or in a vehicle. Avoid carrying large amounts of cash. Consider using checks, debit cards, or credit cards.
• Remember where you parked your car, seek a well-lighted location, and have your keys in hand as you approach the vehicle. Beware of your surroundings. Consider that safety is increased with numbers. Bring a friend shopping.
• Holiday packages arrive daily to homes. Delivery trucks are a signal to thieves that valuable items will be left on porches or driveways. If you are expecting a package, be on the lookout for it. Use online tracking services to predict delivery, or arrange to pickup at local delivery distribution centers. Communicate with neighbors.
• Cold weather warning: Incidents of stolen vehicles increase during periods of cold weather. An unattended idling car is an open invitation to a thief, who can see exhaust from blocks away.
• Reduce the risk of residential burglary by keeping wrapped gifts out of sight. Always keep doors and windows locked. If you have an alarm system, use it.
• After Christmas, do not alert thieves of new gifts by throwing out boxes from expensive purchases. Break down the boxes and hold them out of sight until collection day.
• Holiday parties: Do not drink and drive. Be smart and take a taxi, designate a sober driver, or call a sober friend.