Highline Community College in search of distinguished alumni

Highline Community College is seeking nominations for the 2014 Distinguished Alumnus Award. This award honors former Highline students who have made significant contributions through community service, noteworthy professional achievement and/or recognized leadership.

Highline Community College is seeking nominations for the 2014 Distinguished Alumnus Award. This award honors former Highline students who have made significant contributions through community service, noteworthy professional achievement and/or recognized leadership.

Highline began the award in 1990 with Norm Rice, former mayor of Seattle, chosen as the first recipient. Past recipients have included Junki Yoshida, founder and CEO of the Yoshida Food Group, Joan Enticknap, president and COO of Homestreet Bank, Highline’s own Dr. T.M. Sell, and last year’s winner, respiratory therapist and manager of Haborview Medical Center’s Respiratory Care department, Carl Hinkson.

Eligible nominees are former students who attended Highline prior to the 2009-2010 academic year and have made a significant contribution through community service, noteworthy professional achievement and/or recognized leadership.

Nominations may be submitted by faculty, staff, students, friends of Highline, or any alum. Nominees will be asked to submit a resume and personal profile questionnaire for review by a campus selection committee. The person selected will be recognized at the commencement exercises on June 12.

Nomination forms are available online at alumni.highline.edu/distinguished/nominate.php. Please send submissions by April 25 to mgridley@highline.edu or to: Highline Community College Alumni Relations; PO Box 98000 MS 99-248; Des Moines, WA 98198.

Contact Madison Gridley at (206) 592-3312 or by e-mail at mgridley@highline.edu with questions.