Generous donors help Federal Way food bank provide 1,300 meals

The customers of Federal Way’s Food Bank were given a great gift this Thanksgiving by the generous community.

The customers of Federal Way’s Food Bank were given a great gift this Thanksgiving by the generous community.

Included in these generous community members are three special groups, the KICC Board at Kloshe Illahee Community, who collected more than $500 to purchase turkeys; the Federal Way United Methodist Women, who raised more than $300 to purchase turkeys; and Brooklake Church members, who held a turkey drive and recently delivered more than 400 turkeys to the food bank.

The food bank provided Thanksgiving meals to more than 1,300 families.

“The folks coming in for Thanksgiving food were so thankful for the turkeys donated by our community. Without these turkeys, they would not have a traditional thanksgiving meal,” said Terri Turner, food bank director.

The food bank is operated out of Multi-Service Center’s headquarters in Federal Way. Multi-Service Center (MSC) helps people achieve greater independence and discover the power of their choices. MSC is a nonprofit agency that offers people pathways out of poverty through support and resources in education, employment, housing, energy assistance, food, and clothing. MSC also provides statewide advocacy for elderly and disabled residents of long-term care facilities.