Friends of the Hylebos, a non-profit conservation group in Federal Way, will hold its annual meeting and picnic 6 to 8 p.m. Aug. 24 at the West Hylebos Wetlands Park. All supporters, donors and friends are invited to attend this potluck. Please bring something for the table and your own chair. RSVP to the office at (253) 874-2005 for attendence and if you plan to bring a main course, salad or something else.
Board recommends Dow Constantine as new Sound Transit CEO
In his 16th year as King County executive and on the Sound Transit Board; pay could be $675,000 annually
Woman sentenced to 89 months in prison for fatal crash
At the time of the crime, she resided in Federal Way.
State honors Jimi Hendrix with posthumous Medal of Merit
The Seattle-born rock star’s memorial and burial site is located in the Renton Highlands.