Mirror staff reports:
The new 2013 Miss Washington Teen USA winner is Federal Way resident Imani Blackmon, 17.
This year’s Miss Washington USA and Miss Washington Teen USA pageants showcased contestants from all across the state, providing them with nearly $900,000 in prizes, scholarships, cash and life-changing opportunities. The 2013 pageants were held Oct. 20–21 at the Highline Performing Arts Center in Burien.
Blackmon will represent Washington state at the 2013 Miss Teen USA pageant next summer.
“Hard work and dedication are two tools that I use in my daily life. These tools allow me to strive and achieve my goals,” Blackmon told Pageants NW. “As a senior at Tacoma School of the Arts as a dance major, I plan to study dance throughout college along with majoring in broadcasting. My passion in life is dancing and being a role model, and making my senior culminating project, ‘Seniors Helping Seniors,’ giving elders the exercise and uplift they need.”
The new 2013 Miss Washington USA winner is Redmond resident Cassandra Searles, 24. She will compete for the title of Miss Universe. Searles is a graduate of the University of Washington-Bothell and an employee of Sterling Bank’s Bellevue Commercial office. Her hope is to inspire youth in going after their dreams. She also works with Junior Achievement. She’s a homeowner and works full time while attending school full time at night.