Federal Way volunteers help out in the season of giving

Volunteers step up with Operation Cookie Drop, Thanksgiving Baskets of Love, and annual Turkey Drive.

Federal Wayans are showing off their spirit of giving this holiday season.

Throughout the city, local organizations provided turkeys, non-perishables and other nourishment to those in need.

The Soroptimists International Club of Federal Way held Operation Cookie Drop on their annual Cookie Donation to the USO — Northwest serving the Military travelers at SeaTac airport on Nov. 20.

Federal Way nonprofit Phenomenal She served “Thanksgiving Baskets of Love” to over 50 families in the community on Nov. 20. The nonprofit partnered with the Marvin Thomas Memorial Fund, Game of Life, Virginia Mason Franciscan Health, Bembry Consulting Services, Central Area Senior Center, and South King Fire & Rescue.

The Table Church and local nonprofit, Walk Away City, prepared and served a Thanksgiving meal at the Federal Way Day Center on Nov. 24. About 60 clients enjoyed a holiday meal, and received backpacks with hygiene items and warm clothing.

Local churches banded together for the ninth year in a row to make sure Federal Way families have turkeys this Thanksgiving. Approximately 466 turkeys have been delivered thanks to the annual turkey drive, which has been in operation for nine years.

Some staff members of Brooklake Church met with Federal Way Multi-Service Center staff in the fall of 2013 and simply asked how they could help, said community advocate Shelley Pauls. As a result, the Annual Turkey Drive was launched.

It has become a favorite holiday tradition in Federal Way, Pauls said. Several other churches, groups, friends and families have joined the efforts.

Everyone is asked to bring a frozen turkey — and optional side dishes — to their participating church on the Sunday prior to Thanksgiving. They are collected and distributed throughout the community. This year, the recipients were the MSC Food Bank, the Federal Way Veterans Center, the Federal Way Senior Center Food Bank and individual families.

A total of 466 turkeys and tons of side dishes were collected and distributed, showing lots of love and the true spirit of giving, Pauls said.

Brooklake Church:

250 turkeys plus an additional financial donations. Distributed to: MSC Food Bank, local schools. Cash donations: $2,165.

Family Life Community Church:

114 turkeys and sides donated. Distributed to: Federal Way Veterans Center, Federal Way Senior Center, and the MSC. Brooklake also partnered with Lucky Paws Pet Salon to make and donate 50 complete turkey dinners for scholars and their families.


54 turkeys and sides delivered. Distributed to: Federal Way Veterans Center.

Uncommon Christian:

40 turkeys and 40 grocery bags of non-perishables. Distributed to: Individual families in the community and Federal Way Senior Center Food Bank.

Tri Worship:

Seven turkeys donated. Distributed to: the Federal Way Senior Center Food Bank.

Pacific Christian Academy:

Student-led food drive collected 319 pounds of non-perishable food items. Distributed to: the Federal Way Senior Center Food Bank.

Photo courtesy of Bruce Honda 
The Soroptimists International Club of Federal Way held Operation Cookie Drop on their annual Cookie Donation to the USO - Northwest serving the Military travelers at SeaTac airport on Nov. 20. (L-R) Linda Simpson, Don Leingang-USO, Hope Elder, Linda Persha, Susan Honda, Kim Hensley, Melissa Spencer, Pat Fuller, Linda Staples, Kathrine Festa and Rose Ehl.

Photo courtesy of Bruce Honda The Soroptimists International Club of Federal Way held Operation Cookie Drop on their annual Cookie Donation to the USO – Northwest serving the Military travelers at SeaTac airport on Nov. 20. (L-R) Linda Simpson, Don Leingang-USO, Hope Elder, Linda Persha, Susan Honda, Kim Hensley, Melissa Spencer, Pat Fuller, Linda Staples, Kathrine Festa and Rose Ehl.

Student-led food drive collected over 300 pounds of donations. Photo courtesy of Shelley Pauls

Student-led food drive collected over 300 pounds of donations. Photo courtesy of Shelley Pauls

Photo courtesy of Shelley Pauls

Photo courtesy of Shelley Pauls

Photo courtesy of Shelley Pauls

Photo courtesy of Shelley Pauls

Photo courtesy of Shelley Pauls

Photo courtesy of Shelley Pauls

The Table Church and Walk Away City nonprofit. Photo courtesy of Shelley Pauls

The Table Church and Walk Away City nonprofit. Photo courtesy of Shelley Pauls