The Federal Way Public Schools will hold two community forums on Dec. 10 at 9 a.m. and 6 p.m., and other stakeholder meetings throughout the day, in room 104 of the Educational Service Center, 33330 Eighth Ave.
S., Federal Way.
The sessions are designed to give citizens the opportunity to provide feedback on the characteristics they believe are critical in the next Federal Way Public Schools superintendent.
The public is invited to attend the public forums or any stakeholder group meeting that the public affiliates with.
The schedule is as follows:
• 8 a.m.: District leadership team, superintendent conference room
• 9 a.m.: Public forum, room 104
• 10 a.m.: PTSA, Parent Advisory Team, key communicators, early education, room 226 A and B
• 11 a.m.: Elected and public officials, superintendent conference room
• 1 p.m.: Principals, room 104
• 2 p.m.: Business and civic groups, room 226 A and B
• 3:30 p.m.: High school students, room 104
• 3:30 p.m.: Union leadership, room 226 A and B
• 4:30 p.m.: Classified staff, room 104
• 4:30 p.m.: Certificated staff, room 226 A and B
• 6 p.m.: Public forum, room 104
All community members, students, parents and staff are encouraged to provide input on the search for a permanent superintendent for Federal Way Public Schools.
The public may also sound off on the qualities they value most in the district’s next superintendent at ]