Federal Way schools to host Middle School Showcase Night Feb. 11

Federal Way Public Schools (FWPS) will hold “Middle School Showcase Night” from 6-8 p.m. on Feb. 11 at Sacajawea Middle School for students who are currently in fifth grade and will be entering middle school next year.

Federal Way Public Schools (FWPS) will hold “Middle School Showcase Night” from 6-8 p.m. on Feb. 11 at Sacajawea Middle School for students who are currently in fifth grade and will be entering middle school next year.

According to FWPS, the event is meant to allow students and parents to become familiar with the “wide range of choices for students in the middle years.” FWPS offers seven traditional 6-8 grade schools, all of which offer “challenging academic classes among their offerings.” Outside of those schools, students in Federal Way have the choice of the Technology Access Foundation Academy or the Federal Way Public Academy, as well as two K-8 schools in Woodmont and Nautilus.

FWPS notes that many students’ and families’ needs can be met with the school in their area, but that “for other students and their parents … a program outside of their neighborhood may better match their interests and needs.”

The showcase will feature information about the Choice Enrollment program, which runs in February. Those interested can contact Paula Curtis at (253) 945-2013 or pcurtis@fwps.org.