Edwin Javius, a consultant with EDEquity Consulting, is working with Federal Way Public Schools as the district implements Common Core English Language Arts across the district.
The goal is to develop a culturally responsive approach to implementing Common Core standards throughout the district.
Javius has expertise in tailoring instruction to meet the needs of individual students, as well as culturally responsive teaching practices in the area of English language arts. He has a special interest in working to close the achievement gap.
The focus of the professional learning sessions is on high-quality, culturally-responsive instructional strategies to reach all students with implementation of the aforesaid standards.
“We look forward to learning from Dr. Edwin Javius as he guides us in this critical work in our district,” Superintendent Rob Neu said.
This professional development is part of a larger district goal to reduce the opportunity gap for students of color, males of color and English language learner students in reading, math and graduation rates. Similar work that focused on culturally-responsive math instruction took place earlier this year.