From the City of Federal Way: With snow possible in the Federal Way area by Tuesday, city staff are prepared to keep Federal Way moving during inclement weather.
Public Works and parks maintenance crews will move to 12-hour winter weather shifts to be able to respond quickly to weather-related problems.
If snow does fall, city snow and ice crews will prioritize clearing major and minor arterials, collectors and particularly hazardous roadways first, before moving on to plow residential streets. This policy allows crews to free up movement and provide safety on routes where the greatest number of cars travel.
A map of the city’s snow plow routes can be found online at
Citizens may report problems or inquire about street conditions by calling Public Works at (253) 835-2700 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., or call the message center at (800) 400-0749 between 5 p.m. and 8 a.m. and on weekends. Calls to the message center will be routed to on-call staff and responded to, according to priority level. The city does not maintain private streets, parking lots or driveways. Citizens requesting immediate plowing due to a medical emergency should call 911. The police department will then coordinate with Public Works.