The Federal Way Police Chief was recently awarded a golden torch from Special Olympics Washington in honor of outstanding fundraising efforts.
Police Chief Andy Hwang was presented with the 2019 Circle of Honor fundraising plaque and a Special Olympics Law Enforcement Torch Run (LETR) torch award on Monday, Oct. 26, on behalf of the Federal Way Police Department and as a result of its fundraising efforts for Special Olympics Washington (SOWA).
The Circle of Honor award, which the Federal Way Police Department earned at the Gold Level, represents fundraising in excess of $25,000 annually, according to FWPD.
The Special Olympics LETR torch is awarded to agencies that raise in excess of $50,000 over a three-year period and the Federal Way Police Department is one of the first seven agencies to be presented with this award.
“We are blessed and honored to have members of our agency so committed to this worthy cause and who take time out of their own busy schedules to participate in events that draw attention to SOWA and raise funds that assist in support the SOWA athletes,” said Cmdr. Kurt Schwan of Federal Way police.