Federal Way Mission Church is among the local faith organizations active in raising the city’s overall quality of life.
The Korean-based Christian church, located at 405 S. 312th St., is comprised of nearly 600 members who donate and raise money each year for a variety of causes that help the less fortunate. The 2011 budget of $24,200 is divided up among homeless support, school uniform/supplies, medical support, emergency situations, senior citizen support, Japanese earthquake victim support ($4,200) and college financial support.
The last category devotes $10,000 toward scholarships for college.
“This is something we think is important,” said Woody Ahn, chairman of the fundraising committee at Federal Way Mission Church. “Education is our future. How we educate our kids determines our nation’s future.”
Other committee members at the church are Yong Choi, Young Choi, Byung Jung, Hyun Lee and Jae Byun.
“One function of our church is to help the less fortunate,” Ahn said. “We feel like it will make Federal Way a better place to work, live and play.”
To learn more or donate toward the church’s causes, call Woody Ahn at (253) 951-0946 or the church office at (253) 839-3200.