A consolidated appeal hearing of the Determination of Nonsignificance and Process III land-use decision for the proposed High Point mixed-use development is scheduled for 1 p.m. Monday, July 28 in City Hall Council Chambers.
The applicant has proposed a mixed-use development located at 1066 S. 320th St. that includes 300 multi-family dwelling units, 26,095 square feet of ground floor commercial/amenity space, street and stormwater improvements and landscaping.
A number of people have appealed the decision, prompting the consolidated hearing. The scope of the appeal is limited to the specific items disputed in the appeal document filed by the appellants.
While the public may attend the July 28 hearing, testimony for the appeal hearing is open to only those with legal standing in the case. The hearing examiner will hear testimony from the appellants, project applicant and city staff. The hearing examiner’s decision on the appeal will be issued within 10 working days following the close of the hearing.
City Hall is located at 33325 Eighth Ave. S., Federal Way. Council Chambers is located on the second floor of the building.
For information related to the city’s decision, or questions about the hearing process, contact Matt Herrera, senior planner, at 253-835-2638 or Matt.Herrera@cityoffederalway.com.