Federal Way Ducks Unlimited chapter makes Roll of Honor

Ducks Unlimited, a duck-hunting group dedicated to conserving North America's waterfowl habitats, awarded its Federal Way chapter the President's Roll of Honor award, one of the most highly coveted recognition awards Ducks Unlimited offers its local chapters.

Ducks Unlimited, a duck-hunting group dedicated to conserving North America’s waterfowl habitats, awarded its Federal Way chapter the President’s Roll of Honor award, one of the most highly coveted recognition awards Ducks Unlimited offers its local chapters.

Each year, the President’s Roll of Honor list is comprised of the chapters in the United States that raise between $65,000 and $100,000 through fundraising activities in their communities. Through the efforts of these volunteer committees, Ducks Unlimited is able to pursue its mission of conserving, enhancing and restoring North America’s wetlands.

“These fundraising events are the backbone of DU’s habitat conservation efforts, and the volunteers who make up these chapters are the force driving DU and helping make a difference for North American waterfowl populations,” said Ducks Unlimited President Paul Bonderson. “It takes a great deal of effort to break into the President’s Roll of Honor, and these chapters deserve to be congratulated by every person who enjoys the outdoors.”

The Olympia chapter also received the recognition.

Ducks Unlimited Inc. was established in 1937. The group has conserved more than 13.6 million acres thanks to contributions from more than 1 million supporters across the continent. Guided by science and dedicated to program efficiency, Ducks Unlimited works toward the vision of wetlands sufficient to fill the skies with waterfowl today, tomorrow and forever.

For more information, visit www.ducks.org.