ELECTION 2012: Important ballot and voter information

King County Elections will mail ballots to voters in mid-October, about three weeks before the Nov. 6 general election.

King County Elections has mailed ballots to voters for the Nov. 6 general election.

This is an all-mail election. A drop-off box for ballots is located on 33325 8th Ave. S. near City Hall (no postage required). Ballots can also be returned via standard mail with a first-class stamp. Ballots must be postmarked by Nov. 6, or submitted to a dropbox by 8 p.m. Nov. 6.

Learn more at www.kingcounty.gov/elections.

In Federal Way, voters will decide on two races for District 30 state representative, along with a proposed capital levy to rebuild Federal Way High School.

Statewide pamphlets

Inside the State of Washington Voters’ Pamphlet are pro and con statements and the entire text of statewide ballot measures, including:

• Initiative 502 (marijuana legalization)

• I-1185 (limiting tax and fee increases)

• I-1240 (authorizing charter schools)

• Referendum 74 (legalizing same-sex marriage)

• Two constitutional amendments (one dealing with the state’s debt limit, the other regarding investments by the University of Washington and Washington State University)

• Two state advisory votes.

The comprehensive pamphlets include information on all candidates, including races for U.S. President, U.S. Senate and state elected office.

About 3.3 million pamphlets are being sent to all Washington households, as required by the state Constitution.