Mirror staff reports:
The King County Republican Party will hold its Precinct Caucuses at 10 a.m. March 3. To locate a precinct caucus, please visit the Caucus Locator Page online at www.kcgop.org. Those without Internet access can receive caucus location information by telephone (425) 990-0404.
There are four prominent candidates seeking the Republican nomination for U.S. President. They are former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, Texas Congressman Ron Paul and former U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania.
How a caucus works
Residents from each precinct gather at their respective tables at a district caucus location. Residents discuss their preferences on candidates.
The overall goal is for each precinct’s participants to pick two or more delegates to vote on behalf of the group at the District 30 convention. The caucus allows participants to sway fellow precinct voters to support their candidate. Voters can also remain uncommitted.
At the district convention, the number of delegates is narrowed down. The process continues at the county and state levels. In the end, those delegates participate in the national nomination process.
The 30th District Republicans meet 7 p.m. the third Thursday of the month at Intellipass, 1925 S. 341st Place in Federal Way. Visit Facebook and search for Kcgop 30th District.