Cops arrest woman for faked pinching | Federal Way crime blotter

According to the police report, the woman said the man had bent her finger back enough to cause her pain.

Following is a sample from the Federal Way police log:

• Lying man in DV call: At 11:31 p.m. Dec. 18 in the 33000 block of 24th Avenue SW, police responded to a domestic disturbance call. According to the police report, the woman said the man had bent her finger back enough to cause her pain. The man said the woman had severely pinched him, and corroborated that claim by showing the skin where the pinch was said to have happened. Police arrested the woman because of the visible sign of injury on the man, but the police report notes that the man later admitted to police he had lied about the woman pinching him.

• Give me what you have: At 2:17 a.m. Dec. 17 in the 31000 block of Pacific Highway South, a man was approached by another man. According to the police report, the second man told the first to “give me what you have,” and began pulling a metallic-looking object out of a pocket. The first man quickly fled, and the second man was able to be located and was arrested by police.

• Angry cousin: At 2:03 a.m. Dec. 17 in the 1800 block of South 281st Place, a woman and her fiance were visiting with her cousin. According to the police report, the three got into an argument. At some point, the woman and her fiance ended up outside of the cousin’s residence, and the cousin refused to let them back in. The police gave the woman and her fiance a ride home.

• Identity theft: At 9:24 a.m. Dec. 17 in the 800 block of SW 355th Court, a woman contacted police regarding a number of credit cards she received in the mail. According to the police report, the credit cards were in the woman’s name, but she had never signed up for them. She was able to determine that someone had used her name over the Internet to sign up for the cards. The woman’s son had also had a bank contact him about a line of credit he had applied for, and again, that was something the son had never applied for either.

• Tough love: At 9:29 a.m. Dec. 17 in the 33000 block of 8th Avenue South, a man’s brother and mother brought him to Federal Way police headquarters because of his problems with a heroin addiction. According to the police report, the police approached the man and asked if he had any drugs on him, which he did. The man produced a burnt spoon, needles and an unspecified amount of heroin, and turned it over to the police.

• No record of man’s stolen vehicle: At 12:09 p.m. Dec. 17 in the 28000 block of Military Road South, a man reported his vehicle had been stolen. According to the police report, the man could not produce a license place number, VIN number or any other official paperwork to prove ownership of the vehicle he was claiming was stolen. The FWPD records department was unable to find a car matching the man’s description registered to him in their database.

• Pill poppers: At 11:57 a.m. Dec. 17 in the 2100 block of SW 352nd Street, a man called to report a number of prescription pills had been stolen from his home. According to the police report, the man had hosted a party recently, in which a large number of people were mostly unknown to him. Sometime during the party, someone stole 20 pills of the anti-psychotic medication Seroquel, and 60 pills of another anti-anxiety medication.