Maurice Clemmons was no stranger to Federal Way.
Maurice Clemmons had a registered business in Federal Way, Sea-Wash Pressure Washing and Landscaping Inc., which listed its location address as 738 314th St. and its mailing address as a P.O. Box, also in Federal Way.
The business was registered on Oct. 17, 2005, and is still listed as an active business on the Secretary of State’s Web site. However, the license expired on Oct. 31, 2009.
At the time of registration, Clemmons listed a Tacoma address as his home.
Seattle Times reports that he was under investigation in September 2005 by the U.S. Postal Service for shipping marijuana between Seattle and South Dakota. Shipments of cash were sent to a Federal Way home Clemmons shared with his wife.
Clemmons also had two interactions with the Federal Way Police. He was cited for speeding and causing an accident on April 13, 2005, in Federal Way.
On Oct. 29, 2006 he was listed as a suspect by Federal Way officers in a domestic assault incident, after he assaulted a family friend, who was 17 years old at the time, who was staying with Clemmons and his family.
Darcus Allen, the man who drove Clemmons to the area where the four police officers were shot, was driven to a motel in Federal Way to lay low. Allen, 38, was arrested at the motel last week.
Clemmons’ sister, LaTanya Clemmons, was the one who drove Allen to the motel. She has also been arrested and currently is being held on a $1.5 million bail. She faces the potential for formal charges on Wednesday.
“While still at the Algona residence, (LaTanya Clemmons) said she was going to take Darcus to a motel so he could go back to Arkansas for a while and ‘lay low’ until this all ‘blew over,’” according to the documents.
She drove him to a motel in Federal Way and paid for the room, then returned to the Algona residence, the documents said.
The next day, the relative told detectives, she drove to the motel to pay for another night and to give Allen cash for a bus ticket to Arkansas, according to the documents.