Contractor rips up track at wrong middle school

A construction company mistakenly ripped up the running track at the wrong middle school in the Federal Way district.

Mirror staff reports:

A construction company mistakenly ripped up the running track at the wrong middle school in the Federal Way district.

On Monday morning, a grader operator from Lloyd’s Enterprises tore up 15 to 20 percent of the rubber track at Sequoyah Middle School, 3425 S. 360th St., Auburn. The project manager arrived and realized they had the wrong school.

“He knew in his heart that it didn’t seem right because it looked like it was in pretty good shape,” relayed Rod Leland, facilities director for the school district.

The construction was slated for Saghalie Middle School, 33914 19th Ave. SW, Federal Way. Crews are working at the site this week, and the new track will be finished in about a week, Leland said.

As for the Sequoyah track, Lloyd’s Construction will repair the track after school gets out for the summer. The contractor will cover the cost, Leland said, and the work should take about two days.