City releases 16 candidates’ applications for vacant Federal Way Council seat

During a special Council meeting on Monday night, the Federal Way City Council unanimously voted to release the application materials for the vacant Council position.

During a special Council meeting on Monday night, the Federal Way City Council unanimously voted to release the application materials for the vacant Council position to the public.

Mayor Jim Ferrell called the special meeting on Friday in response to The Mirror’s public request for city officials to disclose that information.

Councilmember Dini Duclos was absent from the meeting.

The Council also voted to redact the candidate’s home addresses and phone numbers from the applications.

The Council will choose from 16 candidates for the seat that Ferrell vacated when he became mayor in January. They will interview the candidates and make the appointment during a public meeting that will run from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday, March 1 at City Hall.

A total of 20 candidates applied, however two did not meet residency requirements and two withdrew their applications.

The 16 candidates include Jack Reed Hackett, Michael Hall, Robin Cook, Jerald Vaughn, Roger Flygare, Anthony Murrietta, Gregory Baruso, Mark Koppang, Tom Medhurst, Troy Smith, Keith Tyler, Gary Darcey, John Fairbanks, Lorie Weldon, Lydia Assefa-Dawson and Don Smith.

View the candidates’ complete applications here.