City council resumes in-person meetings

There is only one council meeting scheduled for December.

The Federal Way City Council returned to hosting in-person meetings on Nov. 16.

Due to the pandemic and fluctuating COVID-19 rates in the region, most city council meetings have been held virtually since March 2020.

City council meetings are held at 6:30 p.m. every first and third Tuesday of the month at Federal Way City Hall (33325 8th Ave. S.). Special city council meetings begin at 5 p.m.

In addition to in-person, city council and committee meetings are live streamed to the city’s YouTube channel. Community members may also participate in meetings via Zoom.

There will be one city council meeting next month on Tuesday, Dec. 7. City council meetings will resume a regular schedule in January 2022.

Masks are required to be worn at all times while inside City Hall.