Candidate Q&A: Mark Greene | 2020 primary

Following is the candidate’s unedited answers to a list of questions from the Federal Way Mirror. The primary election is Aug. 4.

Mark Greene is running for Legislative District 30, State Representative Pos. 2.

Name: Mark Greene

Age: 66

Occupation: Legal Assistant (free-lance).

1. Why are you running for the Legislature? (250 words or less)

Founding Father Benjamin Franklin once said, “A republic, if you can keep it.” With Radical Democrats in control of large swaths of government, Franklin’s statement has become all too real. I’m running because there needs to be a bulwark against radical ideas that not only wouldn’t improve anything for the better, but would lead to the Balkanization (political secession and sub-division of a country) of the United States. If elected (and that’s going to take the votes of Real Republicans, Classical Democrats and Independents, as well as my base of younger and elderly voters), I’ll push back against radicalism and socialism (socialism is great for people who don’t like to work, at least in the short term), and earnestly work to keep our republic.

2. Will you pursue/support any state legislation for reforming police departments?

I think a few reforms would be good, but I’m not in favor of and would not vote for any dramatic shake-up of police departments in Washington. Despite all the “de-funding” and “re-imagining” hoaxes by Radical Democrats, we must have law, order and moral upbringing in our society, including police handling the murderers, thugs, rapists, etc.; it’s not a pleasant job, I’m guessing, and thank God we still have policemen and policewomen willing to do that job after they’ve been unfairly painted with a broad brush by a sizable few.

3. How do you plan to prioritize racial equity in Washington?

We don’t need more laws on that, we already have the 14th Amendment and the 1964 Civil Rights Act. What people feel in their hearts is really none of my business, elected or not. It’s not in the best interests of anybody to see themselves as perpetual victims because of their perceived position on a perceived racial totem pole. In 2020, we all face the same basic dilemmas and problems in America as any other citizen/human being does, and maybe people need to look at their own deficiencies based on their own personal decisions before blaming the “great other” for their problems.

4. What will you do in the Legislature to address homelessness and affordable housing in your district? (250 words or less)

The state should build 500 YMCA-style buildings that would be placed in all regions of Washington and cities of 50,000 population or more (not necessarily exclusively). There should be rent in most cases (except for the disabled, the elderly poor, and people who are just not able to function well), but it should be no more than $200-per-month for the foreseeable future. There should be programs within these facilities to help people get jobs, and voluntary training in other self-reliance aspects of life. I’ll find a legal way, in my bill, to have a 2-year state residency requirement to live in these buildings. The money to build these facilities may partially have to come from a one-or-two time tax, but this effort would eventually be self-sustaining through rent and donations, and may have accompanying rebates to taxpayers.

5. Where do you stand on Referendum 90 and Senate Bill 5395, and why? (A vote to approve Referendum 90 supports allowing Senate Bill 5395 to take effect, thereby requiring public schools to provide comprehensive sexual health education for all students and requiring students to be excused if requested by their parents.

I will vote to reject Senate Bill 5395. It’s not that I’m against sexual education per se, but I believe that the majority of the 30th’s constituents believe it should not begin until Junior High, and they want it to be opt-in. Also, the curricula envisioned in the Radical Democrat bill seems particularly crass, especially for the earliest grades, and goes beyond basic anatomy and science and into the realm of leftist or so-called woke mantra. If elected, I’ll have no problem in opposing “woke” indoctrination, in general, in our elementary schools, high schools and universities.

– MARK GREENE, G.O.P., Position 2, Candidate for State Representative, 30 District