Campaign raises more money for Federal Way’s PAEC

The Federal Way Coalition of the Performing Arts presented a check to the city of Federal Way at the last Council meeting for $58,888, bringing the total raised for the Performing Arts and Events Center to $735,034.

The Federal Way Coalition of the Performing Arts presented a check to the city of Federal Way at the last Council meeting for $58,888, bringing the total raised for the Performing Arts and Events Center to $735,034.

Naming rights have paid for the plaza, the orchestra pit, two meeting rooms, the box office and the culinary arts kitchen, according to Joann Piquette, a member of the coalition. She added a donor has made a pledge for the elevator and several seats have also been named.

She said a donor also made a pledge for the elevator and several seats have been named. Total current additional pledges are $47,300, for a total of $782,334 towards the organization’s $1 million funding goal.

The coalition is planning another series of fundraisers, some that will feature the grand piano purchased for the events center, with various representatives of the member organizations performing.

All funds the coalition raises are dedicated to construction of the facility.