By Julie Friedland, Admin/Teacher, Brooklake Christian School
On April 24, 11 Brooklake Christian School students participated in the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI) District Science Fair at Fairview Christian School in Seattle.
Each year, elementary and middle school students throughout Western Washington have the opportunity to compete at the district level for both individual and school awards. All participants in the district fair must have received a superior rating and been one of the top 10 percent of students in their local school fair. At the District Science Fair, students present an experimental project following the scientific method, including documentation and data, or a non-experimental model, or a collection from nature project. Judges score students on items ranging from their displays, scientific knowledge of their topic, research papers and oral presentation. Students receive a score that ranges from good to excellent to superior. Student scores for each school are then tallied and averaged, and trophies are awarded to the elementary and middle school with the highest point average. Not only did all of the Brooklake Christian School participants receive a superior ribbon, but Brooklake received the first place trophy in the elementary category, and placed second in the middle school category. This is the second first place trophy Brooklake has earned in four years. Science Fair is an excellent opportunity for students to apply scientific curiosity and concepts learned in the classroom by conceiving of a project of their choosing and seeing their project through to completion.